
Showing posts from November, 2017

Blog Assignment 5: Nature Scenes

Goal  To use description and sensory detail to recreate the experience of a natural scene Select what you consider an enticing image from the stack of pictures [If you are completing this assignment on your own, you can simply Google images of natural landscapes.] Take a few moments to absorb the picture--put yourself into it and feel the temperature, the mood of the place, your senses at work... Then, create a new blog post to recreate that scene for your readers.   Really stretch your vocabulary muscles to give it personality and life !        You're fresh off of your narrative writing, so draw upon the "SHOW, Don't Tell" and sensory images work that we did; make the most of those skills in this new context! Repeat this process with another image for a total of two recreated scenes. When you've finished writing, read some of the ones created by your classmates and comment on your favorites!